Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How Big is Your Jesus?

Where are you on your Jesus journey?

When you are up on the ropes, when your faith is tested, when it seems like there is no way out (or in) how big is your Jesus?

As you grow in your faith and discover more and more about what it means to follow this Jesus do you move beyond "Jesus said it, I believe it, and it's so" to knowing the truth of Christ in your heart?

When the proverbial box of your faith is shattered, is your faith big enough that it can handle what your are experiencing or learning that calls into question all you have been taught?

There is no doubt that the Jesus we find in the Bible and who we experience is big enough. The questions is whether we believe the Jesus we follow is big enough. How big is your Jesus?

Next week- Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy!

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