Friday, February 09, 2007

Chaos and Uncertainty

If there is one thing about planting a church it is that you must make friends real quick with chaos and uncertainty. Yes, there is certainly an element of chaos and uncertainty in any situation where one is ministering for God but it is especially pronounced in church planting.

The chaos comes when there are 3,417 things that need to get done and in place and it is left up to you and a few others. Apart from God's power in Jesus it will never get done. And there are times when it just has to go undone and you have to trust and put it in God's hands. I have found more often that not some things I think are critical other people do not care about and God laughs at!! Also, sometimes chaos is good. It teaches us and has certainly taught me that if it is up to me then we are in trouble.

Uncertainty is more of a faith issue. From small things to like who will show up to the first small group to how will this thing ever get off the ground, planting is laden with uncertainty. Again, this uncertainty pushes us to the one who has promised to build his church.

The key is to learn to live with and through the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome chaos and uncertainty always realizing that the one who spoke and created the world out of chaos can take the little piece of the globe he has given me as a mission field and bring about something more beautiful than I can fathom. That is the promise I am clinging to.

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