Wednesday, September 12, 2007


As I have been reading Andy Stanley's Visioneering I have been spending some time reflecting on things I have learned about vision and have had others reinforce for me when it comes to vision...
  • It is true without vision, the people perish. It is equally true, especially in the church planting world, that without people the vision will perish. Thanks Jim Griffith.
  • In the initial stages of starting a church vision is overrated. The only vision that matters is your vision as the church planter given to you by God that you have discerned through searching the scriptures, prayer, and seeking godly counsel from others. There is no need to debate the vision God has given for a church with the team that assembles. In fact, if you have people that are constantly wanting to debate the vision God has given you then ask them to leave as perhaps they are not called to be part of the vision God has given you.
  • One has to be mean about the vision. Thanks Shawn Lovejoy. Not mean as in "mean and nasty" but mean as discriminating in the ministries, programs, teaching the church does- does it help to fulfill the vision?
  • Vision has to be verbalized, written, and presented time and time again.
  • It is easy once a church has begun public worship to begin to lose its vision. This is the enemy's work.
  • Vision largely remains the same, the methods used to accomplish the vision can change. For example, if you envision a church that is for people not yet in the church and you are using radio ads on the Alternative Rock Station and you have seen no results you might instead do a servant evangelism project whereby you are polishing people's boots at a club.

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