Monday, September 08, 2008

Speaking of Wesley's Descendants

In my last post I wrote about Wesely's descendants. Many do not realize that the spiritual descendants from the Weselyan revival include far more than the United Methodists. Here is a great article I came across via Todd Rhoades at Monday Morning Insight.

Some of these descendants include: The Wesleyan Church, The Church of God and the Pentecostal Holiness Church, The Free Methodist Church, The United Church of Canada, The British Methodist Church, The Uniting Church of Australia, The Church of the Nazarene, The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, The African Union Methodist Protestant Church, The Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church, The Union American Methodist Episcopal Church and yes the United Methodist Church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would also add the Salvation Army. I saw many representatives from these denominations at the World Metodist Conference.