Friday, October 17, 2008

Heavenly Sandpaper

It has been said that what does not kill you will make you stronger.

I am a big believer in what I like to term heavenly sandpaper. Just as sandpaper is used to smooth out the rough edges or to form something by using its grit to wear away that which is not useful, so I believe God has a variety of grades of heavenly sandpaper he uses in our lives to mold us, to take away the rough edges, to help us grow to be more like Christ and recover the image of God which we were created in.

Sometimes God uses the difficult people in our lives as heavenly sandpaper. Other times, he uses the difficult situations we face as heavenly sandpaper. Still other times, it is the challenges we face that God uses.

Just as no human being is beyond God's redemption, so no situation is beyond God's redemption. If we look what we see is that God often brings good out of the worse situations. Thank God for times when God uses his heavenly sandpaper in our lives.

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