Monday, February 02, 2009

Incarnational Evangelism Part 4

As attractional methods for evangelism become less and less effective in inviting people to begin to follow Jesus the importance of relationships becomes more and more important when it comes to sharing God's love. It is all about relationships.

Using relationships to help people discover Christ's love is not as glitzy or glamorous as a slick postcard or a funny radio ad. When we are in relationships with persons it can often be messy as we help them deal with hurt, pain and uncertainty and as we deal with our own "stuff" as well. Relationships take time. It takes time to be in relationship with people. It takes time often for the person to give their trust to you an ultimately to Christ. Being in relationship can also be frustrating as relationships wax and wane.

As difficult as all these things can be relationships can also be way that people do indeed come to discover a "better way." They are a way that persons who have been hurt by the church can find healing and begin to trust again. They are a way that a person who may never darken the door of the church but has spiritual questions can find someone who will listen and share without judgment or seeking to get them to "pray the prayer" at the end of every meeting in the relationship.

Where do these relationships come from and how do they happen? They come from any variety of venues. They happen at work over coffee or lunch. They happen with parents from your child's soccer team as you wait for the next game to start. They happen with the person who waits on you at the restaurant. They can happen in a variety of settings with a variety of people if we are open and make ourselves available to be used by God.

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