Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The "Not" To Do List

This note was uploaded to Facebook via the author's blog.

Yesterday I began sharing some things I have picked up along the way as time savers and ways to be a good steward over the time God gives and to be organized. I am no expert and have a long way to go but have picked up some of these things a long the way.

Yesterday I shared about the importance of the "to do" list. Some would argue that just as or more important is the "not" to do list. Just like its name suggests these are the things we need to stop doing. These are the things we need to delegate (more on delegating in a later post). These are the things that are time wasters. They might be simple things we are doing at our jobs that somebody else can do or they might be something more serious such as an addiction that needs to be broken.

I find it helpful to keep a running list of "not" to dos that I am actually doing so I can look for ways to stop doing those things. This serves as a reminder. Then from time to time I pray about those things that God would help me to stop or bring someone alongside me who can do what I need to stop better for example.

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